Archive for February, 2018

The Rêve

February 19th, 2018 | roo

After years of quiet dreaming followed by several months of frenzy and “Are we seriously doing this? OMG, we’re seriously doing this,” we’re finally able to unveil The Rêve.

What is The Rêve? It’s our new home: a nascent queer and trans intentional community on fourteen sunny, beautiful acres in the Hudson Valley, off the Metro North about two hours from Grand Central Station, on land originally inhabited by the Esopus tribe of the Lenape people. It’s our work to begin to build the post-scarcity world that we want to live in. It’s the seed of a sustaining and self-sustaining refuge where we, our families and friends, and our ideas and creations can breathe and grow into themselves among tall trees, clean air and water, and mutual care and aid. It’s the hearth where we can build the connections between our ancestors and our descendants, and it’s the homosteading dream that’s been our lodestar for years.

The Rêve has a double meaning — it’s “Rev” for “revolution,” and it’s the French word for “dream.” This place is a dream, and it’s the fertile soil for us to grow what revolution means for us. It’s space to dance and space to grow old, space where all who are tired may rest and all who are hungry may come and eat. It’s the kind of dream that gets better the more people we share it with.

We’ve been dreaming for a long time about building something that can catch us when everything falls down, and it’s finally time to get started. This is The Rêve.


